Philosophy >> Preparation >> Collaboration >> Inspiration

The most important aspect of Dynamic 365 is the friendly and personable style that is well

received by audiences ranging from entry-level staff to C-suite executives. But it is the

preparation that sets Dynamic 365’s training and development sessions apart.

We have extensive experience using tools such as Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and the

DISC Communications Assessment among many others. D365 credentials include certification

and accreditation in multiple nationally accredited programs including:

  1. Ridge Associates “People Skills”

  2. Interactive Associates, “Facilitative Leadership”

  3. Stephen Covey’s “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” and “First Things First”

  4. Blessing/White’s “Managing Personal Growth”

These programs offer the critical measurements D365 uses to determine the success of our training. Our associations also mean we have a thorough understanding of how to develop and facilitate

the highest quality events available anywhere.

>>click to see: Collaboration

                                                                                        ©2017 Dynamic Leadership Group Inc.  |  All rights reserved  | Contact:  Alison Matthey